Why Schola International?

Welcome to Schola International Our multilingual early education program helps children transition confidently and successfully into school. Schola International provides a safe, kind, and loving learning environment where our students can confidently acquire a second or third language and practice communication skills in three languages: Spanish, English and French. Neuroscience and early childhood research have […]



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Meet Our Team

Silvia Leal Lead Teacher
Sara Perea Curriculum Consultant
Lola Ortiz Lead Teacher


07 Oct

Progressive Education: The Heart of Our Preschool

  At our preschool, we’ve chosen to go beyond traditional teaching methods. We distance ourselves from the approach where everything is done by command and obligation. Instead, we embrace progressive education, which respects the individual and harmonious development of each…

07 Oct

Manos, Mente y Corazón

Manos, Mente y Corazón Nuestra propuesta de valor es ir más allá de las formas tradicionales de enseñanza. Nos alejamos del enfoque donde todo se hace por mandato y obligación, y en su lugar, abrazamos una educación progresiva que respeta…

29 Feb

Del caos a la calma!!

Nos enfrentamos a diferentes personalidades, diferentes caracteres y actitudes que nos desconciertan en el diario vivir. Los diferentes pensamientos, las diferentes culturas y formas de crianza nos llevan a juzgar de manera severa las acciones de los niños que la…

What Parent’s Says

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9002 Anderson Mill Austin Texas 79727

Phone: 512-243-8825